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Version: 11.0.0

Data Templates

Data Templates in Avalonia provide a powerful way to define the visual representation of your data. They allow you to specify how your data should be presented and formatted, enabling you to create dynamic and customizable user interfaces. This document will introduce you to the concept of Data Templates in Avalonia and demonstrate how to use them effectively in your applications.

What is a Data Template?

At its core, a Data Template is a reusable definition that specifies how to present data of a particular type. It defines the visual structure and appearance of the data when displayed in the user interface. In Avalonia, a Data Template is often associated with a list control, such as a ListBox or ItemsControl, and is responsible for rendering individual items of data within that control.

Applying a Data Template to a ListBox

To apply a Data Template to a ListBox, you typically use the ItemTemplate property of the control.

For instance, if you have a ListBox that should display a collection of Item objects using the defined Data Template, you can set the ItemTemplate property like this:

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
<Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}" />

In this example, the Data Template defines a visual layout using a StackPanel container. Within the StackPanel, we have a TextBlock bound to the Name property of the item and an Image control bound to the ImageSource property.

Customizing Data Templates

Data Templates can be customized and tailored to specific scenarios. You can include additional visual elements, apply styling, and even define nested templates within a Data Template. By leveraging data binding expressions and converters, you can dynamically populate and format the visual elements based on the data properties.

Further Reading

For more information see the Deep Dive into to data templates.