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Version: 11.0.0

UIElement, FrameworkElement and Control

WPF's UIElement and FrameworkElement are non-templated control base classes, which roughly equate to the Avalonia Control class. WPF's Control class on the other hand is a templated control - Avalonia's equivalent of this is TemplatedControl.

  • In WPF/UWP you would inherit from the Control class to create a new templated control, but in Avalonia you should inherit from TemplatedControl.
  • In WPF/UWP you would inherit from the FrameworkElement class to create a new custom-drawn control, but in Avalonia you should inherit from Control.

So to recap:

  • UIElement 🠞 Control
  • FrameworkElement🠞 Control
  • Control 🠞 TemplatedControl