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Версия: 0.10.x

Implementing IDataTemplate

If you need more control over your DataTemplate you can do this by creating a class which implements the IDataTemplate-interface. With this interface you can create your own DataTemplate not only respecting the DataType of your data, but also its properties or whatever you like.

To use this interface you must implement the following two members in your class:

  • public bool Match(object data) { ... } you need to check in this method if the provided data matches your IDataTemplate or not. You need to return true if the data matches, otherwise false.
  • public IControl Build(object param) { ... } In this method you need to build and return the control which represents your data.


Basic Example

Below is a very basic sample implementation of the IDataTemplate-interface:

// remember to import the needed namespace
// using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;

public class MyDataTemplate : IDataTemplate
public IControl Build(object param)
// build the control to display
return new TextBlock() { Text = (string)param };

public bool Match(object data)
// Check if we can accept the provided data
return data is string;

You can now use the class MyDataTemplate in your view like this:

<!-- remember to add the needed prefix in your view -->
<!-- xmlns:dataTemplates="using:MyApp.DataTemplates" -->

<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyContent}">
<dataTemplates:MyDataTemplate />

Advanced Samples

Implementing IDataTemplate