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Версия: 0.10.x

Setting up your developer environment for Android

Install the dotnet SDK

First it is very important to install the correct dotnet SDK. At the time of writing, the lowest sdk version that works is 6.0.200.

Install the Workload

dotnet workload install android
к сведению

You may need to run the command with sudo

You may also need to uninstall old versions. dotnet workload remove android

Install the Android SDK

There are a few ways to install the Android SDK.

If you have Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac you should follow the guide found here:

Setting up Android SDK for Xamarin

If you use Rider then please follow the guide here:

Xamarin | JetBrains Rider

Alternatively you can install the Android command line tools from here:

Download Android Studio & SDK

This has a command line based SDK manager that can be used to install the SDK.

There is also a tool in development called maui check that can do all of this for you automatically:

dotnet tool install -g Redth.Net.Maui.Check

This should install all the required SDKs and tools.

This will allow you to build applications for Android and run them in the simulator on any platform.