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Версия: 11.0.0

Insets Manager

The InsetsManager allows you to interact with the platform's system bars and handle changes to the safe area of the mobile window.

The InsetsManager can be access through an instance of TopLevel or Window, for more details on accessing TopLevel please visit TopLevel page:

var insetsManager = TopLevel.GetTopLevel(control).InsetsManager;

As for now, this service has implementation only on mobile and browser backends. If you need to adjust desktop window decorations, please use Window.ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint, Window.ExtendClientAreaChromeHints, Window.ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint properties.



Gets or sets a value indicating whether the system bars are visible. Returns null if the platform doesn't support showing or hiding system bars.

bool? IsSystemBarVisible { get; set; }


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the window should be drawn edge-to-edge behind any visible system bars.

bool DisplayEdgeToEdge { get; set; }


Gets the current safe area padding. The safe area represents the portion of the window that is not obscured by system bars.

Thickness SafeAreaPadding { get; }


Gets or sets the color of the platform's system bars. Returns null if the platform doesn't support setting the system bar color.

Color? SystemBarColor { get; set; }

## Events


Occurs when the safe area for the current window changes. This can happen when system bars are shown or hidden, or when the window's size or orientation changes.

event EventHandler<SafeAreaChangedArgs>? SafeAreaChanged;

# SafeAreaChangedArgs SafeAreaChangedArgs is a class that provides data for the SafeAreaChanged event.



Gets the new safe area padding.

public Thickness SafeAreaPadding { get; }


SystemBarTheme is an enumeration with values that represent light and dark themes for the system bar.



The system bar has a light background and a dark foreground.


The system bar has a dark background and a light foreground.