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Версия: 11.0.0

How to Use Included Styles

This guide shows you how to share styles from a separate styles file (that is included in your application). This approach allows you to share styles across multiple applications.

To do this, you define styles in a new XAML file. Here, the root element must then be either a Style or Styles element. For example:

<Styles xmlns="https://github.com/avaloniaui"
<Style Selector="TextBlock.h1">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24"/>
<Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/>

The _Avalonia U_I solution templates provide a quick way of adding a styles file to your project. Follow this procedure:

  • In the Solution Explorer, right-click your project.
  • Click Add and New Item
  • From the Avalonia Items, click Styles(Avalonia)
  • Type a name for your styles file

To use the styles defined in a separate file, you must reference it using a StyleInclude element. The source attribute defines the location of the styles file. You can choose the level at which to add this element.

For example, to use styles defined in a file AppStyles.axaml (saved in the folder /Styles), you could write a a StyleInclude element in the window like this:

<Window ... >
<StyleInclude Source="/Styles/AppStyles.axaml" />

<TextBlock Classes="h1">Heading 1</TextBlock>
<TextBlock>This is not a heading and will not be changed.</TextBlock>

However, it is more common to reference a styles file in the App.axaml file like this:

<Application... > 
<FluentTheme Mode="Light"/>
<StyleInclude Source="/AppStyles.axaml"/>

This will allow you to use the styles from the separate file throughout your application.

You can also include styles from a another assembly by using the avares:// prefix:

<Application... > 
<FluentTheme Mode="Light"/>
<StyleInclude Source="avares://MyApp.Shared/Styles/CommonAppStyles.axaml"/>

will reference the /Styles/CommonAppStyles.axaml file from the MyApp.Shared project.