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Версия: 11.0.0


The canvas control displays its child controls at specified positions (given as coordinates).

The position of each child control is defined as two distances between edge the canvas content zone, and the outer edge of the child margin zone. For example, this might be the top-left corner of the child to the top-left of canvas, as shown here:

к сведению

To review the concept of layout zones, see here.

Useful Properties

You will probably use these properties most often:

Canvas.LeftAttached to a child control - gives the distance between the inner left edge of the canvas content zone to the outer left edge of the child (margin zone).
Canvas.TopAttached to a child control - gives the distance between the inner top edge of the canvas content zone to the outer top edge of the child (margin zone).
Canvas.RightAttached to a child control - gives the distance between the inner right edge of the canvas content zone to the outer right edge of the child (margin zone).
Canvas.BottomAttached to a child control - gives the distance between the inner bottom edge of the canvas content zone to the outer bottom edge of the child (margin zone).
Canvas.ZIndexAttached to a child control - this can override the default drawing sequence (see below).

Child controls in a canvas are drawn in the sequence that the are defined. This can cause them to overlap.


The canvas does not size any of its child controls. You must set width and height properties on a child control, or it will not appear!


By default each child has a z-index of zero. However, the canvas supports the Canvas.ZIndex attached property that you can set any of the child controls. This will override the drawing sequence (highest number is drawn last) and may therefore change how the child controls overlap.


However you define the drawing sequence, the opacity of child controls is respected. This means that where child controls elements overlap, the contents shown in overlap areas might be blended where the top control has an opacity value less than one.


<Canvas Background="AliceBlue" Margin="20">
<Rectangle Fill="Red" Height="100" Width="100" Margin="10"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Blue" Height="100" Width="100" Opacity="0.5"
Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="20"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Green" Height="100" Width="100"
Canvas.Left="60" Margin="40" Canvas.Top="40"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Orange" Height="100" Width="100"
Canvas.Right="70" Canvas.Bottom="60"/>

The result looks like this:

к сведению

Use the canvas panel with discretion. While it may be convenient to position child controls like this, your UI will no longer be adaptive to changes in the app window size.

More Information

к сведению

For the complete API documentation about this control, see here.

к сведению

View the source code on GitHub Canvas.cs