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Version: 11.0.0

Add a Data Context

On this page, you will set the data context of the to do list view to be the ToDoList property.

To set the data context, follow this procedure:

  • Locate the MainWindow.axaml file in the Views folder.
  • Remove the <Design.DataContext> tag completely.
  • Add the x:DataType="vm:MainWindowViewModel" attribute to <Window> element.
  • Locate the content <views:ToDoListView/>
  • Add the attribute DataContext="{Binding ToDoList}" as follows:
<Window xmlns=""
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="250" d:DesignHeight="450"
Title="Avalonia To Do List">
<views:ToDoListView DataContext="{Binding ToDoList}"/>

The arrangement of views and view models now has an additional data context; defined as a binding, that will allow the Avalonia UI binder to locate the ToDoList property on the ToDoListViewModel object. This object has already been instantiated in code during app initialization.

So here is the arrangement after the data context binding has been resolved:

Now if you run the app, the Avalonia UI binder has a suitable data context for the items control binding; and the items show up in the view: