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Version: 11.0.0

Create a New View

On this page, you will add a view to display the list of to do items, with a button to add a new item.

To get the tutorial started, you will use hard-coded data for the list items. Later you will connect the view to some data in the view model.

In Avalonia UI, the UI element corresponding to a MVVM view can be either a window or a user control. This new view will be user control, and later you will use the main window to display it.

Visual Studio

Follow these instructions to add a new user control:

  • In the Solution Explorer locate and right-click the Views folder.
  • Click Add and then New Item
  • Click Avalonia under C# Items and then click User Control (Avalonia)
  • In Name enter 'ToDoListView'
  • Click Add


Run the following command from the root folder of your project, that is the folder that contains the Program.cs file and the /Views folder:

dotnet new avalonia.usercontrol -o Views -n ToDoListView  --namespace ToDoList.Views

The User Control

You will see the new AXAML file created in the /Views folder

<UserControl xmlns=""
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
Welcome to Avalonia!

You will also find a ToDoListView.axaml.cs file containing the code-behind for the view (in Visual Studio this is nested under the AXAML file. The code-behind looks like this:

using Avalonia.Controls;

namespace ToDoList.Views
public partial class ToDoListView : UserControl
public ToDoListView()

You are not going to change the code-behind file in this tutorial, but notice that the user control class is called ToDoListView and it is located in the ToDoList.Views namespace.

Resize the Preview Pane

To make the design-time preview look more like a mobile phone in portrait orientation, locate the design-time width and height properties for the user control and set them as shown:

<UserControl...d:DesignWidth="250" d:DesignHeight="450"... >

Repeat the process with the main window.

Edit the User Control

Edit the contents of Views/TodoListView.axaml to contain the following:

<UserControl xmlns=""
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="250" d:DesignHeight="450"
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"
Add Item
<CheckBox Margin="4">Walk the dog</CheckBox>
<CheckBox Margin="4">Buy some milk</CheckBox>

If you are using the Visual Studio extension you should see the contents of the control displayed in the previewer after completing a build: